TEC Student Data Privacy Alliance

TEC Student Data Privacy Alliance

Student Data Privacy Services for Educational Institutions

Fast-track your district's ability to acquire signed student data privacy agreements for all of your apps.

The TEC Student Data Privacy Alliance has developed a successful collaborative model to provide member schools and districts with administrative and legal support to negotiate privacy terms with their software vendors.

This service was originally only for TEC member districts. It is now open to school districts in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Maine, Missouri, New York, and Vermont!

It's a simple and affordable process. We have negotiated over 1,600 signed vendor data privacy agreements (DPAs) that can jump-start protection for your students just by enrolling in our alliance. First, you identify the applications your district utilizes that collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and then leverage the agreements that are already available through us. If we don't have a DPA for an application that your district uses, we will work with the vendors in an attempt to obtain one. Our goal is to handle all the necessary work, so you can have the peace of mind that your student data is being handled securely and safely!

In cooperation with the SDPConsortium, we developed a multi-state Student Data Privacy Agreement (DPAs) for the states in the TEC Student Data Privacy Alliance, which articulates the vendor duties and responsibilities required to protect student data in compliance with all applicable federal and state privacy statutes, including the FERPA, PPRA, and COPPA. Our 7 state Alliance provides significant leverage to our capacity to negotiate with vendors of all sizes.

New Hampshire schools and districts:

TEC and NHCTO have formed a partnership. - the New Hampshire Student Data Privacy Alliance (NHSDPA). Click here to read more about how NHSDPA works. Click here to enroll.

Rhode Island schools and districts:

TEC and RISTE have established a partnership - the Rhode Island Student Privacy Alliance (RISPA). Click here to view the RISTE Announcement Letter and here to view RISPA Membership Guide.

Maine schools and districts:

TEC welcomes Maine schools and districts to enroll in the TEC Student Data Privacy Alliance. Click here to enroll to accelerate the protection of your student data by instantly gaining access to hundreds of data privacy agreements negotiated by TEC on behalf of our Alliance members.

Missouri schools and districts:

MOREnet and TEC have entered into a partnership. Interested Missouri districts should contact their MOREnet representative to learn more.

New York schools and districts:

TEC has established a relationship with the New York State Department of Education and the 12 Regional Information Centers (RICs). Interested NY districts should contact their RIC for more information.

Vermont schools and districts:

TEC is excited to announce that Vermont schools and districts can now enroll in the TEC Student Data Privacy Alliance. We welcome Vermont to our regional collaborative Alliance. Join today to accelerate the protection of your student data by gaining access to hundreds of data privacy agreements TEC has already negotiated on behalf of our members. Click here to enroll!


Please contact: Emily Parks, Executive Director
Office: 781.352.5700
Email: eparks@tec-coop.org

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The Education Cooperative Student Data Privacy Alliance (SDPA) has been instrumental in helping our district take meaningful action in its effort to ensure the security and privacy of student data in an era where online resources have become indispensable. The TEC SDPA has solved two of the most pressing challenges related to this important topic. First, TEC has provided the legal and administrative support that individual districts typically lack. Second, the collective influence of member districts, combined with favorable vendor contract language, has resulted in over 200 signed agreements, with more being signed every day. Working independently, our district simply does not have the capacity to achieve such results. Prior to joining the TEC SDPA, student data privacy was a daunting task. Today, we have made significant progress towards our goal of achieving 100% compliance with state and federal privacy regulations.

Steve Ouellette
Director of Technology, Learning, and Innovation
Westwood Public Schools, Massachusetts

Tec has already secured MANY agreements... for the Maine districts using their services and I've heard that they continue to add more each day (...it's pretty amazing). They are an incredible service and if you are still considering having assistance in managing your student data privacy agreements, I strongly urge you to consider them. As a technology director, I can tell you that they are a "life saver"!

Thomas P. Martellone, Ed.S.
Director of Innovation & Instructional Technology
Lexington, MA

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