Being a Fuse Fellow involves much more than attending monthly meetings and coaching pilot teachers. So much is learned, discussed, and experienced that fellows feel the need to spread the word!

On October 23 and 24, 2019, educators from around the country gathered at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts to attend the fall conference of MassCUE (Massachusetts Computer Using Educators), co-sponsored by M.A.S.S. (the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents). Following a key-note address, attendees had the opportunity to choose from a large number of workshops geared towards improving the student and teacher experience. Fuse MA was well represented, with many attendees and workshop offerings.
Wednesday found Cohort 1 fellow Julie Lowerre presenting a workshop entitled “Playlists: Properties, Process and Parties.” Also from Cohort 1, Jill Milton presented “Personalized and Blended Learning in the Inclusive Classroom” with Norwood colleagues. From the current Cohort 2, Christine Casali presented “Miss Frizzle Style Field-Trips by Incorporating Virtual Reality into Your Classroom.” Fuse MA Project Manager Meg Smallidge, along with Cohort 1 fellow and Fuse MA Coordinator Ken Toomey, led the workshop “Teachers as Change Agents: The Power of Collaborative Coaching.”

Chris Nardone, also a Cohort 1 fellow, co-presented “Blended Learning Playlists” on Thursday. On the same day, Cohort 2 fellow Maura Condon presented “Are Your Classes Sinking? Let’s Revamp Them with “Personalized Thinking!”
So much knowledge and experience was shared by these Fuse MA fellows! There are many more examples of the great work being done by the cohorts. Keep watching this space for updates.
Ken Toomey.
Fuse MA Fellow, Cohort 1
Fuse MA Coordinator
Twitter: @ken_2me