Professional Development

Educator Learning

About Professional Development at TEC

Professional development opportunities at TEC are designed to support the current needs of K-12 educators. We listen carefully to teacher and administrators to ensure that our services are aligned to the needs of people in the field. At TEC, professional learning supports educators' ongoing learning, access to a professional network, and license renewal needs, by focusing our work in four areas:

Courses and Workshops

Degree Programs

Job Alike Groups

Educator Rejuvenation

Earn professional development points or graduate credit:

In person, hybrid, and virtual courses, workshops, and webinars

RETELL courses for DESE SEI Endorsement

Self-paced course fulfilling 15 PDP requirement in English Learner (EL) education

Self-paced course fulfilling 15 PDP requirement in special education

Discounted Masters Degree and Bachelor Completion Programs through TEC's partnership with Regis College

Multi-district initiatives and collaboration around common issues

Professional learning customized for districts

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Professional Development


Dr. Janet Buerklin

Coordinator of Professional Development

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