We are committed to growing ideas and expanding learning opportunities across districts, proving our motto:
“together, we create more possibilities.”
Like-minded peers across districts engage in exploration, reflection, and learning that excites, inspires, and restores us as professionals.
Teacher leaders from across TEC districts meet outside of the school environment and explore how we define, initiate, and sustain rejuvenation and support for ourselves and others in the teaching profession.

Professional Development
Focus Groups
We want professional learning to be meaningful, relevant, applicable, and inspiring. Focus groups help us understand current professional development needs so TEC can support districts in both concrete and innovative ways. We have conducted focus groups at several of our member districts and will continue the conversation in the 2024-2025 school year. Please contact us if you would like to hold a focus group at your school or district.

Showcase Innovative Learning in Your District
We are thrilled to visit member districts to see how they are implementing their innovative learning ideas.
Read below about innovative learning at TEC and in our member districts and contact Meg Smallidge to help highlight your work!
Innovative Educators
TEC High School Engages Community in Student-Led Civics Projects
In Massachusetts, Chapter 296 of the Acts of 2018, An Act to Promote and Enhance Civic Engagement requires student-led civics […]
A Dover-Sherborn Teacher’s Recipe for Innovative Classroom Learning Mixes SEL Strategies, Goal Setting, and History
As TEC’s Innovative Learning Coordinator, one of my favorite parts of the job is visiting TEC district schools to see […]
Building Bridges & So Much More: Innovative Learning Bright Spots in Medfield Public Schools
As TEC’s Innovative Learning Coordinator, one of my favorite parts of the job is visiting TEC district schools to see […]

Let’s Work Together!
To learn more about any of the above opportunities, or to discuss an innovative learning opportunity in your community, please contact the Innovative Learning Coordinator, Meg Smallidge.