Current Offerings - Curriculum Directors

TEC offers an array of professional learning and licensure renewal courses for teachers, administrators and other district and school staff. TEC's courses and workshops address all curriculum areas and target PreK-12 educators.

We invite you to teach a course or workshop for
The Education Cooperative (TEC)

Tell us about your course or workshop idea by filling out the online form.

Engaging All Students with Differentiated Instruction (Special Education)

Understanding and responding to students’ individual learning needs can be a challenge for teachers. Participants in this course, Engaging All Students with Differentiated Instruction, will explore many strategies and tools that…

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Strategies to Enhance Instruction for English Language Learners in the Classroom (EL)

English language learners (ELs) are an important focus of the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (ESE) Proficiency Gap Task Force. Closing the proficiency gap depends on teachers having…

Course Details

Inclusive Classroom Design with Technology (Special Education)

In this workshop, Inclusive Classroom Design with Technology, participants will learn about intentionally designing an Inclusive Classroom to further education equity for all learners. The thoughtful infusion of technology will…

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